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I have met so many people around the world!

Asma a suivi un cours intensif d'anglais pendant 4 mois à EF Bournemouth
I have met so many people around the world!

Going to England to learn English has been one of the best decision I have made in my life. I have learned so many different things that I wouldn’t have been able to do in my countrie, as well I have met so many people around the world, it’s been amazing to learn about them and the countries that they have come from. The teachers and all EF staff have been really nice and helpful.

Asma , Bournemouth , Angleterre (étudiante en cours de langue intensif 2015); elle va retenter l’expérience et partir 9 semaines afin d’atteindre le niveau d’anglais Avancé (C).

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